注意事项: These resources might need a password to be opened. Please supply your name, institute, and positions to get the password. Click Google form or Wenjuan to do this. The source code is free for research and education use only. Please cite our paper if you use any part of our source code or data in your research.
Source code
We open-source all papers by default, except for a few of them supported by commercial companies with NDA (non-disclosure agreement). Thus, we stop updating the following list. Please go to the publication page for the source code.
- C++: Salient Object Detection: A Discriminative Regional Feature Integration Approach, IJCV, 2017. [project] [bib]
- C++: HFS: Hierarchical Feature Selection for Efficient Image Segmentation. ECCV, 2016. [project][bib]
- C++ & Matlab: Salient Object Detection: A Benchmark, IEEE TIP, 2015. [project]
- C++ & CUDA: Struck: Structured output tracking with kernels, IEEE TPAMI, 2016. [pdf]
- C++ & CUDA: SemanticPaint: Interactive 3D Labeling and Learning at your Fingertips, ACM TOG 2015. [project]
- C++: DenseCut: Densely Connected CRFs for Realtime GrabCut, CGF 2015. [project] (I didn’t get enough time to reorganize the code. This is an initial version code without careful comments and organization.)
- C++ & CUDA: A Framework for the Volumetric Integration of Depth Images, arxiv eprint, 2014. [project]
- C++: ‘BING: Binarized Normed Gradients for Objectness Estimation at 300fps’, IEEE CVPR 2014. [project] [bib][readme]
- C++: Efficient Salient Region Detection with Soft Image Abstraction”, IEEE ICCV 2013. [project] [bib]
- C++(speech recognition part): “ImageSpirit: Verbal Guided Image Parsing”, ACM TOG, 2014, [bib] [project]。 Full code from Github.
- C++: “Global Contrast based Salient Region Detection”, IEEE TPAMI 2015. [project] [FAQs] [bib]
- C++: “Curve Structure Extraction for Cartoon Images” [Pdf] [bib]
- Executable 和 C++: “A Shape-Preserving Approach to Image Resizing”. CGF 2009. [project] [bib]
- Commercial version (神笔小Q, powered by QQ实验室) for our paper “Sketch2Photo: Internet Image Montage“, ACM TOG, 2009. [bib]
- Matlab: “Connectedness of Random Walk Segmentation”, IEEE TPAMI 2009. [bib]
The code is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License for NonCommercial use only. Any commercial use should get formal permission first.
- COD10K (Baidu w3up| Google ) (2.25G): Camouflaged Object Detection, CVPR, 2020.
- SIP1K (Baidu pan fetch code: 46w8 | Google drive )]: Rethinking RGB-D Salient Object Detection: Models, Data Sets, and Large-Scale Benchmarks, TNNLS, 2020. (Human-centered RGB-D salient object detection)
- DAVSOD (Baidu [fetch code: ivzo]| Google)]: Shifting More Attention to Video Salient Object Detection, CVPR, 2019. (Video Salient Object Detection)
- SOC6K (TestSet GT) [Object-level]|[Instance-level]
- SOC6K ([730.2MB] Baidu | Google): Salient Objects in Clutter: Bringing Salient Object Detection to the Foreground, ECCV, 2018. (First one largest instance-level salient object detection dataset with high-quality rich annotations, e.g., object level, instance level, and image-level annotations. ) [project page][bib].
- aNYU: attributes augmented NYU dataset published with our CVPR 2014 paper “Dense Semantic Image Segmentation with Objects and Attributes” (Please follow the instructions on the project page for getting unzip password).
- THUR15K (787MB): Salient object region labeling (annotated at pixel accuracy if exist such a salient object) for 15000 non-selected internet images, divided into five groups according to the keywords used to download them. Please cite our paper [BIB] if you use it. We also provide a Matlab file of Fig. 7(b) for easier comparison.
- MSRA10K: Pixel accurate salient object labeling for 10000 images from the MSRA dataset.
- PASCAL VOC annotations: Unfortunately, the XML format used in one of the most widely used benchmark datasets (PASCAL VOC) does not compatible with OpenCV. Here is a YML version of PASCAL VOC annotations (VOC 2007), which could be read by OpenCV directly.
International patents: (Espacenet)
- Method and Apparatus for Detecting Salient Object in Image, Qibin Hou, Mingming Cheng, Wei Bai, Xunyi Zhou, US20200143194
- Image processing method and image processing device, Shi-Min Hu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Guo-Xin Zhang, Niloy J. Mitra, Xiang Ruan, US20120288189, EP2523165, CN102779338A, JP2012243313A
- Method for calculating image visual saliency based on color histogram and overall contrast, Shi-Min Hu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Guo-Xin Zhang, WO 2012122682, PCT/CN2011/000690
- Method for detecting similar units based on outline belt graph, Shi-Min Hu, Ming-Ming Cheng, Fang-Lue Zhang, WO 2011131029, CN 101833668
Chinese patents (企知道, 中国专利公告):
- 程明明,姜鹏涛,张长彬,侯淇彬,曹洋,基于在线注意力累积的挖掘目标物体区域的方法,申请号:201910715341.X,申请日:2019-08-05。
- 杨巨峰,夏爽,冀晓东,陈松,程明明,一种基于多序列MRI的多发性骨髓瘤病灶的分割系统,申请号:201910582883.4,申请日:2019-07-01。
- 杨巨峰,梁杰,程明明,一种基于正交元空间的多模态图像增强方法,申请号:201910571058.4,申请日:2019-06-28。
- 范登平;程明明;张钊,一种基于深度图过滤器的显著性物体检测方法,申请号:201910524475.3,申请日:2019-06-18。
- 程明明,杨巨峰,伍小平,展翅,一种基于注意力机制和多层次卷积特征的植物病虫害识别方法,申请号:201910404278.8,申请日:2019-05-16。
- 杨巨峰,程明明,孙晓晓,陈丽怡,一种基于对抗神经网络和海量噪声数据的图片分类方法,申请号:201910358002.0,申请日:2019-04-30。
- 程明明,范登平,林铮,吴文海,一种基于注意力转移机制的视频显著性物体检测方法,申请号:201910347420.X,申请日:2019-04-28。
- 程明明,刘云,吴宇寰,基于多路割的弱监督实例分割方法,申请号:201910347532.5,申请日:2019-04-28。
- 杨巨峰,程明明,陈丽怡,折栋宇,孙晓晓,一种基于上下文信息的艺术画风格分类方法,申请号:201910311265.6,申请日:2019-04-18。
- 程明明,高尚华,赵凯,可集成到神经网络架构中的图像多尺度信息提取方法及应用,申请号:201910242489.6,申请日:2019-03-28。
- 程明明,赵凯,一种基于互斥正则化技术的人脸识别方法,申请号:201910235306.8,申请日:2019-03-27。
- 程明明,陈林卓,李炫毅,基于空间注意力机制的点云特征提取方法,申请号:201910235177.2,申请日:2019-03-27。
- 程明明,刘云,基于多层次上下文信息融合的显著性物体检测方法,申请号:201811547592.3,申请日:2018-12-18。
- 杨巨峰,程明明,折栋宇,王恺,一种基于深度度量学习的图像情感分类与检索算法,申请号:201810173303.1, 申请日:2018-03-02。
- 刘姜江,程明明,侯淇彬,范登平,谭永强,一种基于深度网络的多类型任务通用的检测方法,申申请号:201810173285.7,申请日:2018-03-02。
- 杨巨峰,程明明,梁杰,王恺,基于三元组的自动估计类数的子空间聚类方法,申请号:201810170826.0,申请日:2018-03-01。
- 杨巨峰,程明明,孙延,梁杰,王恺,一种基于多视角多特征的图像印象性预测方法,申请号:201810171247.8,申请日:2018-03-01。
- 范登平,程明明,曹洋,吴宇寰,任博,一种基于二进制的前景图相似度评测方法,申请号:201810171102.8 申请日:2018-03-01。
- 杨巨峰,程明明,孙晓晓,王恺,一种基于迭代采样和一对多标签修正的Web图像训练卷积神经网络方法,申请号:201810171017.1,申请日:2018-03-01。
- 侯淇彬,程明明,白蔚,周迅溢,图像显著性物体检测方法和装置,申请号:201710488970.4,申请日:2017年6月26日。
- 程明明,刘笑畅,白蔚,苗磊,一种图片处理方法及设备,申请号:201710602208.4,申请日期:2017年7月24日。
- 程明明,刘云,侯淇彬,白蔚,图像分割方法及装置,申请号:201610850223.6,申请日:2016年9月28日。
- 胡事民,张方略,程明明,基于成组物体混合的图像合成方法,申请号:201110262737.7 申请日:2011-09-06。
- 胡事民,程明明,张国鑫,基于色彩直方图和全局对比度的图像视觉显著性计算方法,申请号:201110062520.1, 授权日:2012年7月25日。
- 胡事民,程明明,张方略,一种基于轮廓带图的相似单元检测方法,申请号:201010159931.8, 授权日: 2011年12月28日。
- 胡事民,程明明,张方略,基于几何信息的相似图元隐藏部分自动补全方法,申请号:201010158440.1,授权日: 2012年9月5日。
- 胡事民,程明明,张国鑫,一种基于共形能量的内容敏感图像缩放方法,申请号:200910092756.2,授权日2011年12月28日。
- 胡事民,陈韬,程明明,张松海,基于图像库的图像合成质量自动评测方法,申请号:200910086937.4,受权日2011年9月14日。
- 胡事民,陈韬,程明明,张松海,基于混合梯度场和混合边界条件的图像合成方法和装置,申请号:200910084769.5,授权日2011年5月11日。
- 胡事民,程明明,陈韬,张松海,一种基于草图的网络图元自动提取方法和系统,申请号:200910081069,授权日2010年9月1日。
- 胡事民,张一飞,程明明,视频像素可伸缩性的计算方法,申请号:200810114466.9,授权日:2009年12月9日。
- 胡事民,程明明,陈韬,张松海,基于卡通片的高质量线结构提取方法,申请号:200810106664,授权日2009年9月25日。
- 程明明,张少甫,李文博,周瑞,仇玲,一种节能的路灯亮度随需动态调节系统及控制方法,申请号:200810018101,授权日:2012年4月25日。
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