A Shape-Preserving Approach to Image Resizing
Computer Graphics Forum (Pacific Graphics), 28(7), 1897-1906, 2009
Guo-Xin Zhang, Ming-Ming Cheng, Shi-Min Hu, Ralph R. Martin
[PDF] [PPT] [Video] [C++] [Sup] [BIB]
We present a novel image resizing method which attempts to ensure that important local regions undergo a geometric similarity transformation, and at the same time, to preserve image edge structure. To accomplish this, we define handles to describe both local regions and image edges, and assign a weight for each handle based on an importance map for the source image. Inspired by conformal energy, which is widely used in geometry processing, we construct a novel quadratic distortion energy to measure the shape distortion for each handle. The resizing result is obtained by minimizing the weighted sum of the quadratic distortion energies of all handles. Compared to previous methods, our method allows distortion to be diffused better in all directions, and important image edges are well-preserved. The method is efficient and offers a closed form solution.
Links to applications:
Our method has been adopted in several famous systems:
- Rectangling Panoramic Images via Warping, by Kaiming He, Huiwen Chang, and Jian Sun, in SIGGRAPH 2013
- Content-Aware Rotation, by Kaiming He, Huiwen Chang, and Jian Sun, in ICCV 2013
程老师您好,我最近在学习您的resizing文章并下载了A Shape-Preserving Approach to Image Resizing的代码,编译可以通过但是在Debug至下面这条语句时出错:
if (eg.EvalMatCode(dir, “x = LeastSquareBoundary(A, zeros(size(A, 1), 1), ind, vals);”) != 0)
printf(“Error occurred when running code. %s:%s\n”, __FILE__, __LINE__);
您好!关于找不到 LeastSquareBoundary函数的问题是怎么解决的呢?谢啦!
程老师您好,最近在学习您的resizing文章,我下载了A Shape-Preserving Approach to Image Resizing的代码,在编译里面的项目MatLabLib时,提示缺少文件,比如libeng.lib,libmat.lib,libmx.lib等等,还有无法打开包括文件:“matlab/engine.h”: No such file or directory,是不是项目里文件缺少啊,不知能否补充一下缺少的文件啊,或者发到我邮箱里也行:hengliang_zhu@163.com,非常感谢!
非常感谢!程序终于编译通过了,好高兴啊。。但是在运行的时候又出现了一个新的问题,就是提示无法定位程序输入点mxCreateNumericMatrix_730于动态链接库,试了网上的方法都不行,后来我又下载网站提供的Windows executable,也是提示这个错误,我的开发环境是windows8(64位)+vs2010+matlab2010a+Qt4.8.6,不知是否与系统环境有关系呢?
中间有些函数文件丢失了(非核心算法部分,当时我作为Common Lib放在一个系统文件夹里,后来弄丢了)。算法代码仅供参考。