Jia-Xing Zhao 赵嘉星

I am a Master student at CCCE&CS, Nankai University (Tianjin, China). My advisor is Professor Ming-Ming Cheng. I received my bachelor degree from Nankai University in 2017. My research interest includes computer vision and machine learning (especially deep learning). My email is zhaojiaxing AT mail.nankai.edu.cn. Feel free to contact me!


  1. FLIC: Fast Linear Iterative Clustering with Active Search. Jia-Xing Zhao, Bo Ren, Qibin Hou, Ming-Ming Cheng, Paul Rosin, AAAI, 2018. [Project page] [pdf] [bib] [Source code]
  2. Contrast Prior and Fluid Pyramid Integration for RGBD Salient Object Detection, Jia-Xing Zhao, Yang Cao, Deng-Ping Fan, Xuan-Yi Li, Le Zhang, Ming-Ming Cheng, IEEE CVPR, 2019.[Project page] [pdf] [Source code]
  3. EGNet: Edge Guidance Network for Salient Object Detection, Jia-Xing Zhao, Jiangjiang Liu, Deng-Ping Fan, Yang Cao, JuFeng Yang, Ming-Ming Cheng, IEEE ICCV, 2019. [Project page] [pdf][Source code]
  4. Rethinking RGB-D Salient Object Detection: Models, Datasets, and Large-Scale Benchmarks,Deng-Ping Fan, Zheng Lin, Jia-Xing Zhao, Yun Liu, Zhao Zhang, Qibin Hou, Menglong Zhu, Ming-Ming Cheng. submit to IEEE TNNLS, 2019 [project page | bib | latex | official version | pdf | 中文版pdf | 自媒体报道] | Code | Results | SIP Dataset (baidu pan fetch code: 46w8 | Google drive )]
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