Zhong-Yu Li 李钟毓

Zhong-Yu Li is a PhD student at Nankai University and supervised by Prof. Ming-Ming Cheng. He received his bachelor’s degree from Nankai University in 2021. His research interests include unsupervised learning and self-supervised learning.

Google scholar, Github.

Recent Publications

Notes: Joint first authors are indicated using # and corresponding authors are indicated using *.

  • Enhancing Representations through Heterogeneous Self-Supervised Learning, Zhong-Yu Li, Bo-Wen Yin, Shanghua Gao, Yongxiang Liu, Li Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng, arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.05108, 2023. [pdf]
  • A Decoupled Spatio-Temporal Framework for Skeleton-based Action Segmentation, Yunheng Li, Zhong-Yu Li, Shanghua Gao, Qilong Wang, Qibin Hou, Ming-Ming Cheng, arXiv preprint arXiv:2312.05830, 2023. [pdf|code]
  • DFormer: Rethinking RGBD Representation Learning for Semantic Segmentation, Bo-Wen Yin, Xuying Zhang, Zhong-Yu Li, Li Liu, Ming-Ming Cheng*, Qibin Hou, arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.09668, 2023. [pdf|code]
  • Exploring Feature Self-relation for Self-supervised Transformer, Zhong-Yu Li, Shanghua Gao*, Ming-Ming Cheng, IEEE TPAMI, 2023. [pdf |codebib]
  • Large-scale Unsupervised Semantic Segmentation, Shanghua Gao, Zhong-Yu Li, Ming-Hsuan Yang, Ming-Ming Cheng*, Junwei Han, Philip Torr, IEEE TPAMI, 45(6):7457-7476, 2023. [pdf | code | bib | 中译版]
  • RF-Next: Efficient Receptive Field Search for Convolutional Neural Networks, Shanghua Gao, Zhong-Yu Li, Qi Han, Ming-Ming Cheng*, Liang Wang, IEEE TPAMI, 45(3):2984-3002, 2023. [pdf | bib | project | PPT EN/CNcode | 中译版]
  • Global2Local: Efficient Structure Search for Video Action Segmentation, Shanghua Gao, Qi Han, Zhong-Yu Li, Pai Peng, Liang Wang, Ming-Ming Cheng*, CVPR 2021, [pdf | bib | project | PPT EN/CNcode | 中译版]


  • Email: lizhongyu AT mail DOT nankai DOT edu DOT cn
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