- 23/04/2017: 程明明副教授受邀在VALSE 2017做特邀报告(PPT)。
- 24/04/2016: 程明明副教授受邀在VALSE 2016做特邀报告(PPT)。
- 27/11/2015: 中科院计算所山世光研究员访问南开大学媒体计算实验室并做学术报告。
- 18/7/2015: 卡迪夫大学(英国罗素集团名校)Paul Rosin教授来访南开大学,进行计算机视觉前言技术讲座,并主讲小学期课程。
- 16/7/2015: 英国牛津大学VGG研究组Research Fellow Xi Chen 博士来访南开,进行学术报告,并主讲小学期课程。
- 2015年4月23日:清华大学胡事民教授和英国卡迪夫大学Ralph Martin教授访问南开。
- 2015年4月22日:感谢Nvidia公司资助我们一块K40 GPU。我的申请样例(供大家参考)。
- 2014年8月8日:VALSE 研讨会在线讨论网站 已经建立了。
- 2014年3月1日: 我们的论文”BING: Binarized Normed Gradients for Objectness Estimation at 300fp” 和 “Dense Semantic Image Segmentation with Objects and Attributes” 分别被计算机视觉顶级会议IEEE CVPR录用为Oral和Poster论文。其中objectness项目C++代码,在刚刚公布的2天内下载量达到500多次!
- 30/08/2013: Ming-Ming Cheng received Outstanding Doctoral Dissertations Award from Beijing Municipal Government.
- 29/08/2013: Our papers ‘Efficient Salient Region Detection with Soft Image Abstraction‘ and ‘Non-Parametric Correspondence Fitting‘ have been accepted by ICCV 2013.
- 25/07/2013: Niloy Mitra received the 2013 ACM SIGGRAPH Significant New Researcher Award
10/03/2013: Our paper on Saliency Detection listed as #2 most cited paper from CVPR 2011. - 19/11/2012: Seminar report in Oxford VGG: “Smart Images: Understanding image scene for …“.
- 01/07/2012: Ming-Ming Cheng received Beijing Municipal Government Award for “Outstanding PhD Graduates”.
- 25/08/2011: Ming-Ming Cheng received the IBM Ph.D. Fellowship.
- 21/06/2011: Ming-Ming Cheng presented CVPR demo ‘Sketch based Interactive Scene Composition using Internet Images‘, which is closely related with Sketch2Photo and Salient Object Detection and Segmentation.
- 01/12/2010: Ming-Ming Cheng received Google PhD Fellowship.
29/06/2010: Sketch2Photo video in Vimeo has attracted 1,000,000+ clicks within 6 months. - 10/12/2009: Sketch2Photo is selected as one of the “10 most innovative and promising worldwide initiatives of 2009” by theNetexplorateur jury, under the aegis of French government. It was reported by The Telegraph as “An image manipulation tool built by a group of Chinese students has taken the internet by storm“. It was also reported by Spiegel.
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